ניגוד עניינים כספי
ניגוד עניינים כספי Regulations for Preventing Conflict of Interest in Research (Approved by the Senate on ___________________) Introduction The University of Haifa is committed to the quality of the research…
ניגוד עניינים
ניגוד עניינים Regulations for Preventing Conflict of Interest in Research (Approved by the Senate on 06-MAR-2014) Introduction The University of Haifa is committed to the quality of the research conducted…
ועדת אתיקה מוסדית (IRB)
ועדת אתיקה מוסדית (IRB) Procedures governing the use of Human Participants in Research Ethics Committee Regulations for Research Work involving Human Participants Introduction Human society uses research to develop human…
התנהגות ראויה במחקר
התנהגות ראויה במחקר Regulations Governing Research Misconduct University of Haifa Introduction The University of Haifa has invested a great deal in the quality of research at the institution. One of…
Financial Conflict of Interests
Regulations for Preventing Conflict of Interest in Research (Approved by the Senate on ___________________) Introduction The University of Haifa is committed to the quality of the research conducted under its…